School: Day 2
So today started out not soo good. I woke up today and my throat was sore, and i seemed to have gotten a cold. so this morning i stacked up on the Vitamin C. Put some in my water bottle, took vitamins, had hot chocolate, took Day Quil pills, everything i could think of and thankfully brought from home. The walk to class, again on the science campus and this time i had to be there by 9am, was soooo brutal. All the food/liquids and medicine i took made me feel nauseous.
Thankfully my first class was in one of the buildings i went to yesterday so i went in and took a nap on my desk. I woke up when a student came in. I seem to make/only make friends with the people i sit near or that come in early with me lol. His name is Sang Sin, and he too speaks pretty good english. Apparently we have 3 classes together and he remembered me lol. He translated for me when the TA was talking before classes started.
My first class was quite interesting although i was a little sleepy. And the professor speaks good english and is really nice. he says he feels like we are his sons, *Cough* and daughter! I AM THE ONLY FOREIGNER AND GIRL IN MY CLASS TODAY! Not that this bothers me but its just an observation lol :). My professor was in the first class at KU when Electrical Engineering started and this is his last year and semester and he is retiring. Class went pretty well and he has Open-book Midterms! AWESOME!!!!
After class Sang Sin gave me this:
Just like Do Yoon, He wants to help me and we exchanged numbers!!!!! He also tried to help me find my lab whose bulding was not listed on my schedule! I ended up not going to the lab and going to the One-stop-Center, where mark works and having him add me to a thursday lab that way i can be in the same lab hopefully as sang Sin and Do Yoon!
After giving up on the lab i decided to go to the hana square, equivalent of Marvin Center for the Science Campus and use the computer. I couldn't figure out how to login and i asked two girls sitting near me and turns out one of the although korean is an exchange student from colorado in the school of Biological Sciences. we exchanged numbers and we'll hang out soon. It was definitely a good day in terms of meeting new people and making a girl-friend. Despite the fact that there are not many girls in my classes i have not really made friends with the few girls in my classes... In due time i guess.
I really miss hanging out with my KUBA Group and Buddies!
I stopped by the bookstore to get some of my books i paid equivalent of $81 for TWO ENGINEERING TEXT-Books BRand New From the BOOKSTORE! Can i just stay in this Country lol
Pictures from campus today:
walking down to Hana Square, its like underground/ below the hill
Top of the Stairs
middle of the stairs
Entrance !
Science Campus-Bookstore
After getting my books, i decided to go to the library on the Science campus this time and do some studying! The library is quite nice. Just like you register/reserve rooms at GWU, you can reserve tables in the general study area. I didn't know this and just walked in and sat down. No One came to my table so that was good. While studying, i looked up and see a African person! its really obvious when there are very few of us lol! Im not bothered. As he is walking by obviously he notices me and then my Nigerian-Radar clicks in and i realize he is nigerian! HEY! HEY!!!! okay fine, also i saw he had tribal marks lol! so he sees me and i ask him and he confirms. We end up sitting at the same table and studying. That was cool, made another friend and my first surprisingly nigerian one lol! Like i always say, Nigerians live everywhere!
Hopefully my sore throat goes away, i had to miss the cheering activity, where KUBA teaches us the chants and songs at the games. Although there are no games this semester so I'm not too sad!
Not only is phoebe sick but so are James, Tony, and Shawn! looks like something is going round or we are reacting to the changing in weather!! ITS SOOOO COLD HERE!
Not only is phoebe sick but so are James, Tony, and Shawn! looks like something is going round or we are reacting to the changing in weather!! ITS SOOOO COLD HERE!
Going out to dinner with a group of my friends tonight!
Bye :)
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