Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lotte World: Korea's Disneyland

Lotte World: Korea's Disneyland

After a great night celebrating my birthday! I woke up on friday and i was ready to keep the fun going! My Group and some other KUBA groups all went to Lotte World! Lotte World is similar to Disney and it is an amusment park that also has shopping mall, museum, sport facilities, hotel and movie theatre. 

Fun Fact:

Lotte World is the largest indoor amusement park in the wold open all year (Guiness world book).

I had a lot of fun! It is really funny but a there is still a lot of people in KUBA i still dont know so i got to make more friends! It was really nice also because i still got birthday wishes and many told me that they had fun on my birthday! 

I got on 5 rides:

 1. Gyro Drop:

 This is a HUUUUUUGE Free Fall that also spins as it goes up! Sooo Scary lol but i literally only last like 5 seconds once you are dropping but it was terrifying! Glad my group made me get on it lol!

2. Gyro Spin:

So this was similar to the gyro drop but  it was like a pendulum that swinged over the park on one side and then the river that goes through the whole park on the other side. It was kind of cold on friday and we were swinging by water and so high up i was freezing lol. this was actually not that bad once i squeezed my body and held on soo tight :p

3. French Revolution

This ride i didnt know what to expect because i just got online but it was fun and it starts inside and then goes through the inside of the park. the wait was sooooo long.

4. We went on another free fall but i dont remeber what it was called and another i think it was comet something but that was cool the chairs spinned.

Some pictures from the park:

Me and Hee Sun



My other group leader: Yoong Sik :)

Me and Johnny!

Group Picture!!!

Great Day :)

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