This is my first week of Beginners korean! Going in i though it would be pretty easy. The little i knew and learnt i didnt think it was that hard and according to my korean friends i have good pronunciation. Also having learnt but not necessarily studied the vowels and consonants i was confident! BOY WAS I IN FOR A SURPRISE! ITS HARD! The first day we learnt the vowels, which wasn't too bad i just realized that i had to do things step by step first the pronunciations and then memorizing the characters and the order you write them not trying to do both and the same time, which was what we were doing in class. THe second day was the most difficult. we learnt the consonants and there are more consonants than vowels so that was one issue, then they are kind of hard to pronounce and of course more characters to memorize. I was going so slow because i had not memorized the vowels yet and one of the activities was to try and pronounce vowel and consonat combinations and our homework/last activity which i didn't even get to was reading almost like 50 combinations of vowels and consonants.
Today in class we were kind of quizzed. we first had to practise the combination worksheet in groups and i was with Ruby and Phoebe but i was so embarrassed because i was the only one having difficulty ;( then the professor had the whole class read out one combination each and i couldn't pronounce mine! I really hope it gets better because this was supposed to be my fun class and its my last class of the day and i dont always want to be in a funk after class because of it!
Some of our worksheets:
The Vowels, Me practising on the bottom :)
Worksheet from Hell!: vowel-consonant combinations ahhhhhh
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