Monday, June 2, 2014

Somedays are successful and Others are Not & Today is One!

Variable Power Supplies

After a long and eventful weekend I think we were all a bit Knackered. Luckily today Spanish was laid back and quite fun. In first half we reviewed the Simple Future and Present Progressive. We even went out by the park and observed and said what people were doing in spanish. With our second teacher we played games such as taboo but in spanish, which was fun! We had denomico, and played spanish shards which is always fun!

Lunch was good today but during class My body felt warm, which i confirmed with a friend. After lunch i didnt feel so good maybe i had eaten too fast. I later found part of the reason for my discomfort. During lecture i was drinking water hoping to feel a little better. At first i though i had swallowed down the wrong pipe and i started coughing and bent down to not make a seen then i was breathing weirdly through my nose and all of a sudden I THREw UP! For those of you who know me well this rarely happens and its pretty serious if/when it does. I was so shocked and embraassed luckily Shruthi who ate with me knew i was not feeling well and wasn't shocked and helped me. I had to go home and change my clothes. Britanny bought me popsicles and cold drinks in case it was a overheating issue that caused my sickness.

Lab unfourntately did not improve the day. We were adding to our preious lab circuit for Power supply and we had to connect series of resistors a Regulator and capacitors to our Diode bridge. That proved more difficult than said. The circuit components are so small and the wire is so thick and big and we had trouble twisting and connecting the wires and components to form the nodes. In some cases prongs of the parts broke off. When we first assembled it we found out front the instructor check we had assembled one part wrong and in fixing that some parts came apart. Having fixed those problems we tried to test our circuit and connected it to the AC power and it sparked and one of the prongs on the regulator burned off! Kaitlyn and I were pretty fed up and defeated but in the end we persevered and soldered the rest of the parts together and fixed and exchanged nodes and components. The lab in two days for fixing batteries we will have to use this circuit to test things so we need it to work. We hope when we test it, it will work! Fingers Crosed. Picutres of the WORKING circuit will be posted by the end of the week :)

We got home right in time for dinner and Surprise! Theres a new couple from Winsconsin, a couple the woman being a spanish teacher brought her class to explore Nciaragaua. I didnt speak much and ate fast so i could lie down. Now I'm at the Garden Cafe!

Time for Homework and may be some reading! :)


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