Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Research!

7-Segment BCD Decoder

As I mentioned before i had an inernship in a Power systems lab this summer! I was assigned a project to build a 7-Segment BCD Decoder.  A 7-Segment display is s a form of electronic display device for displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot matrix displays. For example like the display of a calculator or an Alarm clock!

It was really cool experience and it was like a PBL! It required me to do my own reading and lot of self learnign but on the day of the  project i did get help!

Getting Materials:

hyowon unni, she works in my lab

 the 7-segment display LED


My completed Circuit





It works!!!!

haha my uneditied video

After cleaning up, my lab co-workers took me out for bingsu!



Monday, July 1, 2013

International Summer Campus


Before coming to Korea, i knew i wanted to stay the summer so when i found out about the international campus i knew i had to do it! I ended up only taking Korean class! Not only did i get an A+ in Korean I but i passed my placement into Beginner's II! I am very proud haha

The class was fun but also bit difficult! I can say however with the completion of Beginners II i can have a conversation. I learn about:
  • Majors and School, Future Plans/Profession
  • Hobbies
  • Weather-More involved than Beginners I
    • Highs/Low
    • percentage
    • comparisons
  • Shopping-Fruit, clothing
    • fitting, sizes
  • Apperance
  • Emotions
So much vocabulary as well as grammar but it was worth it!

I also made some good friends from the class!

When it all started:

July 1rst:


Me and AlCo! <3

The Schedule!

Pictures of our last week:

My professor! She is so pretty and Funny!

My class:

Graduation: August 8th

Yep, Me and Alix are official graduates of Korea University :p


Koren pose! *peac sign*

Minji <3